When you have not clearly explained a situation to the client, especially a potentially problematic one, it might cause some further troubles and, at the very least, frustrations.
Your first step in responding to this should be - accept that you have caused a communicaiton problem = apologize. Then, take the CORE question, concern that the client has - and respond to that. It's usually a Yes or No type of response.
Before you go into ANY details. Respond to the MAIN question first. Very clearly.
🎧 Listen first
Pay attention to the vocabulary:
be lost - be lost in - be lost with explain - explanation be frustrated conclusive - conclusive results - conclusive answer - say conclusively - show conclusively pose obstacles move on to current problem apologize -apologies intend - intention take someone through something stop someone from doing something take actions at the same time
🎧 Listen again
Make sure to be logged in to check the script and our detaled annotations on logic of communication. 👇
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